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    To preserve the Commemorative Stones in tribute to the NHS

    Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council are arranging for the stones to be permanently displayed in Sutton Park.

    If you have a stone on Manse Way and it has faded and you would like it to be part of the new permanent display in the park please could you collect it repaint it and put it in the labelled container in the park at the Pavilion

    The deadline for stones to be placed in the container is 6th November 2020.


  2. PLANNED ROAD CLOSURE NOTIFICATION - 27138 - High Street, Sutton                                           

    The Closure will be in place for a period of 2 days between 13th October 2020 and 14th October 2020 to allow Yorkshire Water to renew a fire hydrant chamber.

    The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link 

    North Yorkshire County Council