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  1. Craven District Council, Richmondshire District Council, The Yorkshire Dales National Park and North Yorkshire Police Press Release      

    For Immediate Release

    Date: January 8th, 2021 

    People urged to Stay Home and Stay Local – don’t travel to exercise 

    People are being urged to stay at home and to choose to exercise locally during the current national lockdown. 

    Craven District Council, Richmondshire District Council, the Yorkshire Dales National Park, and North Yorkshire Police are reminding people that they everyone needs to play their part to reduce the spread of the highly infectious strain of the virus. The advice is that residents should not travel out of their local village or town unless absolutely necessary, to help restrict the spread of this deadly virus. 

    Inspector Steve Breen said: “North Yorkshire Police have adjusted their patrol plans to increase their presence and visibility, to provide reassurance to our communities. They will be out and about in Craven and Richmondshire this weekend and throughout the lockdown, reinforcing the message to Stay Home and Stay Local. 

    “This is a difficult time for everyone and we know that the vast majority of people in the districts are making the right decisions for themselves and those that they love. If you are thinking about going out of your area, please ask yourself whether your journey is essential. Everyone needs to take responsibility for making safer choices – for themselves, their local community and the communities that they may be tempted to visit.”

     Under the new national lockdown restrictions, you can leave your home to exercise with your household or support bubble, or one other person. However, this should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.

     If you do leave home for a permitted reason, you should always stay local - unless it is necessary to go further, for example to go to work. Stay local means stay in the village, town, or part of the city where you live.

     Councillor Richard Foster, Leader of Craven District Council, said: “The rapidly increasing number of Covid-19 cases and deaths is alarming, nationally and here in North Yorkshire.

     “We are urging people to stay at home and stay local. If you are leaving home to exercise, please do not travel outside of your local area. We know some people may be tempted to travel to exercise in one of the beauty spots in the Dales – please, do not do this.

     “Please exercise on your local streets or parks, close to your home, to stop the spread of the virus and protect yourselves and everyone else.”

     And Leader of Richmondshire District Council, Councillor Angie Dale supported this message.  “The number of covid cases is rising dramatically every day and we are told we haven’t reached the peak yet, so it is vitally important that people heed the stay local message,” she said.   “Our beautiful Dales will still be here to visit when this pandemic is over - please do not make unnecessary journeys now and exercise close to your home.”

    The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority is urging everyone to stay home and not to make unnecessary trips to, or around the National Park. 

    Neil Heseltine, Chair of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority said: “The message is clear, stay home, exercise locally, and avoid all unnecessary travel.

     “Many people in our communities fall into the most vulnerable category of people. This means:

    •  No-one should be coming to the National Park for recreation or leisure, for example a picnic or a social meeting.
    • No-one should travel outside of their local area for exercise. 

    “The Yorkshire Dales will be here for us all when this is over. It isn’t going anywhere, and neither should you. Please stay home and plan for when local businesses across the Park will be back up and running and delighted to welcome you back.”

     National Park offices in Bainbridge and Grassington are closed to the public. National Park Visitor Centres and Dales Countryside Museum are also closed.

     National Park car parks, toilets and public rights of way remain open for local people to take exercise, and shop for essentials. It is important these are not blocked or obstructed.

    All Richmondshire District Council run toilets and car parks remain open too.

     Where rights of way pass close to, or through residential and agricultural properties, Government advice regarding social distancing should be strictly adhered to. 

     The latest COVID-19 guidance for people living and working in the National Park is updated regularly here:

     Under the national lockdown, many businesses must also close, including non-essential retail, leisure and sports facilities, accommodation, and personal care facilities. Hospitality venues are restricted to takeaway, click & collect, drive-through & delivery.

     For more information on Covid-19 national lockdown restrictions, go to

     If you need to report a business for breaching national lockdown, please email Craven District Council at :[email protected] or Richmondshire District Council at: [email protected]


  2. A Meeting will be held on 7 January 2021 at 10 am

    Remote live broadcast meeting using Microsoft Teams

    The meeting will be available to view once the meeting commences, via the following link - Recordings of previous live broadcast meetings are also available.

    Members of the public are invited to view this meeting

    Issues to be discussed will include:-

    • Rt Hon Julian Smith in attendance
    • Annual Council Budget proposals
    • Harrogate Transport Improvement Programme

    For further information please contact Daniel Harry of Legal and Democratic Services at County Hall.

    The full Agenda is available on the County Council's website.

    Email:[email protected]