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  1. PLANNED ROAD CLOSURE NOTIFICATION - 30650 - Albert Street, Sutton                                           

    The Closure will be in place for a period of 9 days between 31st August 2021 and 8th September 2021 to allow Northern Gas Networks to lay a new gas service.

    The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link 


    North Yorkshire County Council

  2. Sunday Night 4th July 2021

    Did anyone see anything/anyone on Bridge Road Allotments on Sunday night 4th July. 

    Allotment Gardens have had produce ripped out and destroyed.

    The Allotment Holders put a lot ot time and effort in growing things for their families and for someone to have ripped the produce out it is not acceptable.

    Please if you can help in anyway please contact the Police who are looking into the matter.


    Thank you