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  1. A tribute to Mick Herpe.

    "I was saddened to hear of Mick’s death, as were many of his fellow Council, Committee members and friends.

    During my time as clerk I got to know Mick well and appreciated his hard work and support and the way he was such a great team player.

    My heartfelt condolences are with his family and friends.

    Mick was a passionate Councillor and conservationist. In his time he did a tremendous amount for this village.

    He was a founder member of the Village Committee and Conservation Group.

    The Village Committee was first formed in the 1950s to run a gala and in 1988 donated funds to provide a newsletter for the villagers of Sutton.

    From day to day the Committee grew bigger and stronger producing a variety of events such as Sutton Funday, Sutton Bonfire Night and themed party nights to raise money to benefit the villagers of Sutton-in-Craven.

    Many of the volunteers shared their time in other organisations such as the Parish Council, The Village Hall Committee, and the Conservation Group. Mick was one of these people.

    Mick was member of the Parish Council in 1996 – 1999 and re-joined in 2005 – 2012 he was passionate about the village, had strong opinions and a sense of fair play. These attributes were ably demonstrated in his role as a councillor.

    The Conservation group formed in 1990 and backed by the Parish Council, has done a lot of work in the village including rebuilding bridges, forming paths and installing steps at Lumb Clough, rebuilding the wall, cleaning Greenroyd Mill Dam (which won a Shell Better Britain Campaign award in 1990), creating a kissing gate, paths and a car park to Lund’s Tower, planting trees, Santa’s tour of the village and much more, recently re-furbishing seating on the High Street in the village.

    Mick’s contribution to the community of Sutton-in-Craven was great and in the many tributes paid to Mick following this sad news, one message rings clear: Mick was a great individual and will be sadly missed. May he rest in peace."

    Clerk to Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council


    Hundreds of stones painted by residents in 2020 have been preserved in cement in Sutton-in-Craven Park for generations to enjoy. 

    The stones are to show support for the NHS and Key Workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The stones are to remind people of the way we rally round in difficult times and keep spirits high. 

    “At a time when we had to be apart, stone by stone we brought our community together.” 

    We would like to give special thanks to Readymix Huddersfield (Myers Group Ltd) who kindly donated the concrete for the project. 

    Thank you to Stuart Robinson, Tony Emmott, Anthony Emmott, Arron Morley, Ben Bolland, Tanya Emmott, Hayley Lynch, Christine Robinson and Mark Hough for their part in helping to varnish the stones, prep the area, distribute the concrete and set the stones in place. 

    Denise Emmott (Clerk)

    Sutton-in-Craven Parish Council