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  1. I receive regular notifications from organisations in relation to fraud patterns around the country and new threats that are emerging. There are a couple of new trends emerging that you need to be aware of and please speak to your family and friends about these as well. The more people who are aware, the better protected we are. 

    NHS Test and Trace emails
    We have seen the first phishing email relating to the Test & Trace service. Notably, the fake email refers to the service as ‘track and trace’. The email advises the recipient that they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. They are instructed to click on a link in order to find out who that person is and are warned that if they fail to do so within 24 hours, legal action may be taken and their benefits suspended. The email address from which this message is sent is [email protected]
    Please remember that tracers will only ever contact person by phone and NEVER in person. Also this service is free. I am aware of people being contacted by someone claiming to be from the Test and Trace service then asking for £500 for a test to be administered.

    Amazon gift card
    A new Amazon phishing campaign has emerged claiming to offer recipients the chance to win a £1,000 Amazon gift card. The subject reads: “On the occasion of overcoming the coronavirus, Amazon gives you the gift of victory.” The sender name is spoofed to read ‘[email protected]. The recipient is instructed to click on a link in order to apply. The link has been identified as malware. It is common for such scams offering free vouchers to ask for a persons bank details. Please be aware and remember 'If it sounds too good to be true, it definitely is!!! 

    North Yorkshire Community Messaging (NYCM) is managed by North Yorkshire Police.  The official website is which will allow you to sign into your account to change your delivery method preference or locations of interest. It also contains a FAQs section, which may assist with any queries you have.

    Links and attachments:  North Yorkshire Police will only ever link you to secure web-sites we trust, we will only send you attachments where we believe it is absolutely necessary.

    If you need to contact North Yorkshire Police please call 101 or in an emergency dial 999.  Alternatively please email any non urgent enquiries to: [email protected]


  2.  On Ordnance Survey maps:

     A green dotted line indicates a public footpath.

    A green dashed line indicates a public bridleway.

    A line of green crosses indicates a byway open to all traffic.

    A line of green T shaped dashes indicates a restricted byway

    Green dots indicate other routes with public access. 

    Public bridleways can be used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists.

    Horse riders and cyclists must keep to the bridleway route.

    Cyclist must giveway to pedestrians and horses.

    Ordance Survey Map below:

    The bridleway proceeds along Sutton Hall Drive in a southerly direction, follows the main footpath and then takes a sharp turn below Wood Vale Farm. Please note there is not a through way the route goes over styles and through a kissing gate.

    This is the only section of bridleway in the Clough. All other paths are footpaths only.                             
