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  1. PLANNED ROAD CLOSURE NOTIFICATION - 34294 - Sutton Lane, Sutton in Craven                                           

    The Closure will be in place in the evening on 16th December 2021 to allow Yorkshire Water to replace a manhole cover and frame. The closure will be in place between the hours of 19:00 and 21:30

    The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link 


    North Yorkshire County Council

  2. Craven Disability Forum

    Have your say!

    Take our survey about disability issues in Craven

    Let us know what matters to you

    Craven Disability Forum is run by disabled people for disabled people.

    Fill in our survey at

    Printed copies are available in local libraries

    To request the survey in another format or a different language, email [email protected]

    or contact Claire Canavan on 07929 873638.

    The Survey will close on Friday 7th January 2022