A History Of The Boating Lake
A key feature on the west side of the park is the serpentine pond which was designed at the lower lying, northern end. It was lined out and edged with Portland cement and designed to draw its water a supply from the adjoining Sutton Beck.
The chairman of the parish council in 1916 offered to pay for the floor to be raised 1.8in. on the low side to level the outlet.
Alterations were done voluntary by subscribers during 1927.
The Boating Lake as it is now known is approximately fifty metres long with an average width of eight metres. It is still filled and emptied by the original method on an inlet and outlet from the beck.
The Boating Lake can only be full for a few days at a time.
This is due to algae which form on the concrete bottom very quickly in warm weather making it very slippery.
The only way to remove the algae is to drain the lake and to let it dry completely.
As the Boating Lake draws its water from the beck, it cannot be done during or just after rain, as the silt from the beck would then enter the lake.
Good weather is required for several days in a row in order to fill the lake, keep it safe when in use, and for it to be maintained.