
Toilets - Sutton Park

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Sutton Park Toilets


Recently we have been experiencing mindless vandalism and misuse of the toilets in Sutton Park.

Toilets, basins and hand dryers pulled from the walls, toilet rolls put down the loos causing serious blockages, wet toilet roll thrown and stuck to the ceiling, excrement up the walls etc.

All this takes time and money to fix.  

Should this vandalism and misuse continue the Park Toilets will have to be locked up at certain times or even be closed completely.

It is a shame that a small minority are ruining it for the majority.

Please can parents play their part and ensure they know where and what their children are doing.

If anyone has information or sees anyone vandalising the toilets in anyway please can you report it to the Police, Council or Park Staff.

Criminal damage prosecutions may be brought along with payment in full for any damage caused.